The Manning District Bowhunters is a FAMILY ORIENTED ARCHERY CLUB that shoot every Sunday, Club on Joe's Cutting Road, 17 km south of Taree.

New members are always welcome, with qualified coaches on hand to introduce them into our sport.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Singleton Branch 3D Titles

The last weekend in August saw 7 members of Manning District Bowhunters take the trek to Singleton for the Branch 3D Titles. Singleton Archery Society put on great weather, even if the breeze was a little fresh, with two beautiful sunny days of shooting.
Over 130 archers had turned out to shoot. The ranges were challenging with some deceptive distances bringing many archers unstuck. The placement of some of the targets was inspired with a bobcat in a tree, a turkey hiding in the hollow of a stump and the grizzly taking a leak inside a port-a-loo. The ranges were a pleasure to shoot with easy to navigate tracks. Great food and exceptional company kept everyone happy during the evening, although the nights were a little cool.
The weekend ended with Singleton putting together a well-stocked raffle table.  The Manning team were very lucky winning several prizes. Our luck continued during presentations with six shooters achieving top 3 positions in their respective shoot categories. 

Their results were:
Karl Peck AMBHR A Grade 1st Place
Glen Allen AMBHR A Grade 3rd Place
Rick Starke AMBHR B Grade 2nd Place
Chris Kendall Trad Peg Men’s Longbow Traditional 3rd Place
James Dowson AMBHC A Grade 6th Place
David Parker AMBHC B Grade 1st Place
Raylene Starke AFBHL C Grade 3rd Place

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