The Manning District Bowhunters is a FAMILY ORIENTED ARCHERY CLUB that shoot every Sunday, Club on Joe's Cutting Road, 17 km south of Taree.

New members are always welcome, with qualified coaches on hand to introduce them into our sport.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

My Hunting Trip.

I had contacted the manager of the property who had informed me that there were goats and pigs on his place and I was most welcome to go out and get rid of some of them so off to Dubbo .
It was a 3hr drive from Dubbo so off to bed early I drove in through the gates of the property and headed up the road to the station house. 
As I drove along the roadside a Ute was coming toward me, I pulled up to the side and the manager stopped and introductions were made he was headed into town he then said, that if I had my gear with me to proceed pass the station house go over the dry creek bed through the double gates turn left and follow the road till I come to the tree line, through the trees I should see a clearing with a large dam in the middle. A mob of goats have been seen drinking at the dam at this time of the day and with any luck I might get a shot at one.

Into my camo gear and off I went I found the place no trouble. I left the car in the trees and with the wind in my favour stalked onto the dam, creeping over the dam wall, no goats but plenty of sign of pig wallows. As I was walking round the dam I heard the sound of bleating I crept up the wall of the dam and saw a mob of goats coming toward the dam along a well used trail, quickly I looked around for a possible ambush site the dam wall had a gap in it and the trail led through it there was two bunches of lignum in the gap I got in between it and found the perfect spot.The goats were fairly close now leading the bunch were nannies and young kids. Looking through the bin
os I saw a very large billy bringing up the rear, his horns were massive I reckoned they would go close to 50inchs, boy I started to shake.The goats walked pass my hideout I thought I was discovered when a kid walked over to the lignum but he was too thirsty to worry about the strange object  in the bush. The billy was almost past me I drew the bow, held as steady as I could and released the arrow a perfect quartering away shot the goat just walked sideways a couple of steps and laid down, boy was I shaking. Now, a few deep breathes and I was about to go and claim my prize when out of the corner of my eye I saw movement back along the trail, binos up and I saw a big black and white boar coming along the track when he got closer I could see a lot of white showing on his mouth great hooks. Again I got ready, the pig stopped just before he got to me and lifted his head and sniffed the air then he saw the goat he walked over to it and started to lick the blood. Was I a mess, shaking all over trying to get control, I aimed the arrow and released another perfect shot two record class animals two shots in 5minutes.
I was really shaking and then, I heard a voice, my wife shaking me and saying if you want to go to that property you had better get up and have some breakfast.
By Dave Tritton

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