The Manning District Bowhunters is a FAMILY ORIENTED ARCHERY CLUB that shoot every Sunday, Club on Joe's Cutting Road, 17 km south of Taree.

New members are always welcome, with qualified coaches on hand to introduce them into our sport.

Sunday, 1 February 2015


It's late Sunday afternoon sitting in front of my trusty computer reflecting the weekends activities with pride.

Firstly there was Saturday's Working Bee with a role up of 18 members. Wow!!! this is fantastic.

Due to the mammoth effort  that my dear members undertook including putting out the 3D targets for todays shoot our club area and ranges look pristine.  Well done my dear dear members.

Today the role up for the 3D shoot was another mile stone.  With 26 shooters lined up. I believe everyone there had a great day even though the heavens opened up and we came back looking like drowned rats.

More work continued this afternoon and will continue during the week in preparation for next weekends Branch 3D Shoot.

Being the 1st Branch Shoot of the year we are hoping for a good role up.  If you would like to prenominate just drop me an email (that's if you didn't do it at the range today).

Once again Thank You and might I say I'm so happy to be involved with such a wonderful club and its people.  You Rock!!!!!

Kind Regards

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